Monday, November 14, 2011

Gettin' to gettin' F.P. style

I've been super quiet and withdrawal lately- been in the sew lab birthing monstas right and left. So the fabrics and eyeballs made it to Flint town and let's just say they're amazing! I lOve the new digs Frankenstitch Productions will be sporting 2011 very fun bright and inspiring, if you thought my set up was bright before just wait it's even more bright meets texture explosion. I can't wait to show everybody. We are less than two weeks out from the Flint Handmade Holiday Craft Market so it's crunch time around this piece!!

I also got in some wonderful smelling local organic lavender from down town Flints new shop Stir the Imagination I made little sachets great for tossing into any area that needs freshening up.

Soon I plan on making mini monstas for the new bright plastic key chain rings. I also ordered up some squeakers which I can make dog or baby toys with...... haven't quite decided yet.

I think somebody knows mommas gotta sew- lol- go to bed baby all your friends are in dreamland....
Just so ya all know Frankenstitch is always open to new suggestions and if you want something special drop me a line---- at the bottom left of the blog there's a email me button :) I have also decided after 3 people suggested it that it would be pretty awesome to monstarize your child's art for a special one of a kind Christmas gift. Hope all of you enjoy the Holidays can't believe they're almost here!!

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